What Are You Focused On?

It sounds like an easy question to answer.

“What are you focused on?”

Like I said, it sounds easy.

So many of us are in such a big hurry that we do not slow down and answer the “easy” question. Even now, you may feel the tendency to rush to the bottom of the blog for the big takeaways.

Focus, attention, free from distraction, essential priority, and “the most important thing” are all synonyms. If you search “what are you focused on” through the internet, you will find a lot of thought leaders writing on this topic.

You will read ideas like you are what you become what you are focused on, focus provides energy in the same direction, attune you mind, body, and emotions to the main thing, and the list goes on.

Obviously, focus is important. Along with contemporary thinkers, the Bible has some things to say about focus. Think of verses that remind us to fix our eyes, think about one thing, seek first, what to study, where to go, who to follow, and how to find and keep His perfect peace (Proverbs 4:25; Proverbs 29:18; Matthew 6:33; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:2; Hebrews 12:2).

So, what are you focused on?

If we’re honest, we may not like what we find when we answer this question.

Our ideal focus may not be our actual focus.

Ideally, I am sure you want to glorify God, prioritize your family, have energy. Feel good about where you are and what you are doing. Actually, your life may be the opposite. You feel stuck in the mud, spinning tires, trapped, and lost. I know, I’ve been there! But things can change.

We are focused more on “how” rather than “who.”

“How?” is typically the first question we ask when we are not focused. A problem arises and we seek a solution rather than focus on the source. This takes practice. What is the source of your focus? Generally, most leaders and Christians would focus on the main things: God, family, legacy, and relationships. If you ask “how” first, then you may be missing what is most important. Focus on the source. The source consistently begins with “who.”

We are too busy to pay attention to what we are focused on.

It’s 5:00 am. Your alarm sounds. Your house is quiet, but not for long. Another big day is planned. Your to-do list is so long that you are afraid to look at it. Family, friends, co-workers, and folks are waiting for you. Meetings, deadlines, chores…you filled your day. You wonder if this will ever end. You’re tired, stress, frazzled, and frustrated. Whew….

So what can we do?

Slow down.

Sounds simple, but for many of us this is the most difficult solution to answer with integrity what we are focused on. The simplest way to do this is to make an appointment with yourself. Typically, we do not miss meetings with doctors, sports practice, church, family meals, or birthdays. But we will miss a meeting with ourselves. So, set a meeting for the purpose of answering what you are focusing on…and keep the meeting!

Build this question into a daily or weekly review.

Set the meeting daily or weekly. This depends on your personality and productivity types. I like daily check-ins since my schedule is nuts. You may be able to swing weekly. Perhaps schedule this meeting with yourself before leaving for church on Sunday so you can examine your heart and prepare for the week. More important than when you answer the question, just make time to answer it. You will thank me!

Be accountable.

Tell someone that you trust that you will slow down to answer the question, “What are you focused on?” Tell them when you will do it and provide accountability to follow-up with them once you have answered the question. Having personal accountability will help you early in the process to stick to the routine.

Charity and I have worked hard to remain focused. We have built systems, processes, and questions into our lives and relationships to do so. We would be honored to walk alongside you and help you clearly focus on what is most important to you.

You can stay on the path, walk toward your vision, be excited, have energy, experience joy and peace, and glorify our Lord Jesus if you can remain focused.

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